Instructions to the applicant:
- Open the application form using Adobe Reader software. It’s free and downloadable from a wide variety of sources.
- Enter all of the appropriate information into the “fillable fields” so that we can process your application. If you cannot see the “fillable fields,” then look for a command called “highlight fields” to turn on the color coding of these areas on the form.
- When you have filled in all the information, place your digital signature in the signature field to complete your application.
- Save the completed application with a distinct file name.
- Attach this file to an e-mail to our Mason County Road Commission permit department at
- The Mason County Road Commission will complete the issuing of the permit and e-mail the final document to you.
Note: If you do not sign with a digital signature, print the form, then sign, scan, and email it to the Mason County Road Commission permit department at
Please make checks payable to Mason County Road Commission.
Residential, Field and Temporary Construction Drives – $50 Each
Fee applies to the construction of new Non-commercial drives, and must be paid in advance.
Application/Permit (PDF)
Reconstruct Existing Drive – $40 Each
Reconstructed drives must meet current MCRC standards.
Application/Permit (PDF)
Commercial Drive – $200 Each
Fee applies to the construction of new commercial drives and must be paid in advance. MCRC requires a $20,000 Bond or cost of
work, which ever is greater payable to MCRC.
Application/Permit (PDF)
Road Crossing Bore – $150 Each
Applies to bore operations beneath all roads under the jurisdiction of the Mason County Road Commission. For transverse bore only, longitudinal bore will use Utility Installation Schedule.
Road Crossing Open Cut – $500 Each
Contractor is required to hire testing firm to perform density testing of backfill materials to ensure compaction. In addition, if the County Engineer determines that an MCRC inspector is also necessary to oversee the open-cut operation, the contractor must pay $60.00 per hour for this inspection. Minimum charge is for two hours ($100.00) which is non-refundable. For transverse cut only, longitudinal cut will use Utility Installation Schedule.
Application/Permit (PDF)
Ditch Closure – $50 Residential, Commercial $250 Per Lot + Inspection Fee
Will only be approved if property owner can maintain a swale ditch that is at least 18″ below edge of shoulder. Acceptable tile materials are: CMP, Concrete, or DWPE (dual wall polyethylene plastic pipe.) DWPE can only be used when there is at least 2 1/2′ of cover over pipe. Each closure is subject to approval by the County Engineer.
Application/Permit (PDF)
Permit Inspection Per Hour Fee (When Required) – $60 (Per Hour)- Overtime $90 (Per Hour)
This fee is charged when inspection is deemed necessary by the County Engineer of the Mason County Road Commission.
Permits obtained after work performed – 2 times original cost
Failure to obtain a permit prior to work being performed may result in this fee being applied, and may also result in denial of future permitted activities.