Construction Notice: Gordon Road from US-10 to Hansen Road
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Gordon Road will be closed to thru traffic beginning Tuesday May 28th, 2024. Residents who live on Gordon Road between US-10 and Hansen Road will have access to their property.
The existing roadway is being reconstructed with drainage improvements, adding gravel to the existing road, “pulverizing” (grinding up) the existing HMA roadway, and paving with HMA. The existing 20’ wide HMA roadway will be 22’ wide HMA after construction. The shoulders will be improved.
Road reconstruction projects are by nature inconvenient for the motoring public and residents who live on the road. The residents who live along the road will have access maintained to the roadway and their driveways. Please allow additional time when leaving or returning to your residence. There will be times when the project is dirty, dusty, and noisy during the construction project. Please be careful when driving and approaching workers and construction equipment. Make sure the equipment operator sees you before you get close to him.
The MCRC will be installing signs and barricades on the project. The project is anticipated to take 3 weeks to complete. The MCRC & Amber Township appreciates your patience and cooperation during this project.