January 18, 2023
Reconstruction of:
SN 6685
Fisher Road over Lincoln River, Victory Township, Mason County
The Mason County Road Commission (MCRC) is seeking proposals for the cost of construction engineering and services for reconstruction of the existing bridge and roadway. The proposal must include all necessary work for construction engineering services based on acceptance by the MCRC and MDOT.
Fisher Road over the Lincoln River is located on Section 32, Victory Twp, T19N, R17W, approximately 1/2 mile east of Peterson Road on Fisher Road, Mason County.
This project was bid thru the Michigan Department of Transportation bid letting on January 6th, 2023. Hardman Construction was the low bidder at $1,528,685.15. It will be financed with a combination of Federal and Michigan Local Bridge Program Funds and Local Funds. Participation in engineering costs is not included and will be the responsibility of the MCRC. The MCRC and MDOT will be involved in final approval and acceptance of completed construction.
The pre-construction meeting has not been scheduled to date. It is anticipated that Hardman Construction will start in mid-April 2023. The Contractor will have 16 weeks to complete the project once the road is closed to traffic. The Bridge & Roadway must be open to traffic by November 3rd, 2023, with completion of silane treatment only by May 24th, 2024. This provision was stated in the progress clause if the Contractor chose to start the project later in the 2023 season. The actual completion date would be about 16 weeks after the road is closed.
Construction Engineering and services provided under a separate estimate, to be used in full or partial by the MCRC, shall include at the minimum the following:
1. Shop Drawings will be approved by the designer, Frank Brechting of Brechting Bridge & Engineering.
2. Construction staking – control and as needed staking will be completed by the MCRC Surveyor.
3. Inspection including storm water and soil erosion and sedimentation control, off site testing, and pay estimates using Field Manager or approved MDOT software. Eric R. Nelson, P.E. (MCRC) will be the Project Engineer during construction. Soils & Structures will be doing the onsite materials and density testing. (Sand, gravel, concrete, etc.)
4. Construction Engineering – if applicable: pile driving calculations; shop drawing review; new inspection, load rating, scour analysis and updating of MiBRIDGE; and additional as-needed services.
5. Submit electronic As-Built sketches/plans in PDF file format on thumb/jump drive to the MCRC with read-write capabilities for documentation and file history.
Any proposed cost increases for engineering shall be approved by the MCRC before the costs are incurred.
Proposals for construction engineering services will be received until 2 p.m. on Tuesday, February 14th, 2023, at 510 E. State Street, P.O. Box 247, Scottville, Michigan, 49454. Telephone: (231) 757-2882. Proposals can either be mailed or e-mailed to enelson@masoncountyroads.com .
A decision as to whether to make award of the contract will not be made until the Board of County Road Commissioners meet on February 23rd, 2023 and decide upon further action.
Professional liability insurance is required.
Michael Ingison, Chairman
Jeff Conklin, Vice Chairman
Deb Del Zoppo, Member
Mary Samuels, Manager/Director
The design plans and proposal were prepared by Frank Brechting. Plans, proposal, addendums, bid tabs are available in PDF format and at the MCRC office for viewing. For additional information, please contact Eric R. Nelson, County Highway Engineer, by phone at (231) 757-2882, or by email at enelson@masoncountyroads.com.