Various Primary & Local Roads in Mason County
Amber, Branch, Hamlin, Meade, Pere Marquette, Riverton, Sherman, & Victory Townships
About 22 miles of primary & local roads will be reduced to one lane over the next three weeks
using flag control. Highway Maintenance and Construction anticipate starting work on Monday July
29th, 2024, for Chip & Fog Sealing various primary and local roads, weather permitting. The process of
chip sealing is spraying the existing HMA roadway with a layer of asphalt emulsions, then coating the
roadway with a thin layer of small stones. A few days later, the stone is sprayed with a “fog seal” that
coats the top part of the stone and gives the roadway the black finished look. “Chip & Fog Sealing” is a
common pavement maintenance practice that extends the pavement life and provides a good driving
Expect delays and use caution when driving through the construction area. Highway
Maintenance and Construction is the Contractor doing the work. It is anticipated that the Contractor will
start on the two primary roads, Stiles & Fountain Road and continue working on various Township local
roads until all the work is completed.
Construction Ahead signs and flaggers will be used to warn motorists of the one lane road during
the Chip & Fog Seal. Please slow down and use caution when driving through the construction zones.
The Chip & Fog Seal work is anticipated to take approximately 10 to 12 working days and is weather
Traffic should seek alternate routes when possible. See the attached location maps.
On behalf of the Mason County Road Commission & Townships we thank you for your cooperation and
Click here to see complete notice with maps.