Iris Road from Pere Marquette Highway to Lakeshore Drive will be closed to through traffic beginning Monday September 9, 2024, through November 8, 2024, for reconstruction. Residents will still have access to their property & homes during the project.
Construction will include trenching (widening), adding aggregate base to the existing HMA roadway, crushing and shaping the existing HMA roadway (crushing it back into a gravel base), culverts, new guardrail, ditching, HMA paving (bituminous asphalt), pavement markings and final restoration.
J & N Contracting (Gaylord) is the prime contractor. Rieth-Riley Construction (Ludington) is the HMA paving sub-contractor on the project. There are also several other subcontractors on this project. The project is Funded by the Michigan Department of Transportation (Rural Task Force) and the Mason County Road Commission.
The existing HMA roadway is about 22 feet wide (2 lanes @ 11’) & 30’ wide in the hill sections (11’ lanes + 2’ shoulder + 2’ HMA valley gutter). The new HMA (bituminous) roadway will have 2 lanes @ 11’ plus 3’ HMA shoulders (28’ wide) & and 11’ lanes plus 2’ HMA shoulders with 2’ HMA valley gutter (30’ wide).
Road reconstruction projects are by nature inconvenient for the motoring public and residents who live on the road. The residents who live along the road will have access maintained to their properties and driveways. Please allow additional time when leaving or returning to your residence.
Through traffic will need to follow the detour route as shown.
If you have questions during the construction of the project please contact Eric R. Nelson, P.E., Project Engineer for the Mason County Road Commission at 231-757-2882. On behalf of the Mason County Road Commission, we appreciate your cooperation and patience during the construction project.
Click here to see full construction notice with maps.